Looking for guidance, motivation and accountability on your Shadow Work journey?
Feeling painfully self-aware but unsure what exactly to do with this information? 1-on-1 Shadow Work coaching is the next step. I have a range of Shadow Work Coaching Packages for all budgets and schedules.
Here’s what Katie had to say after one 90-minute session:
I have a range of Shadow Work Coaching Packages to suit your budget, schedule, and goals.
- Low on time?
- Not to invest in one of my longer-term coaching packages?
- Got an inconsistent schedule or dealing with time constraints?
- Need help starting your journey?
Check out my Bitesize coaching package.
- Already have experience with shadow work?
- Want to dive really deep?
- Feeling painfully self-aware but still as if something is missing?
- Ready to make a commitment and invest in healing and self-love?
- Finally prepared to meet, embrace and love your true, authentic self?
Check out my Silver and Gold coaching packages.
- Are you introverted and the thought of meeting face-to-face via Zoom is uncomfortable?
- Are you strapped for time or do you have a inconsistent schedule?
- Does your budget not allow you to fully dive into the longer Shadow Work programs?
- Are you unsure how long you need coaching for and want to take it month-by-month?
Check out my email Shadow Work coaching package.
Find out more about my Shadow Work Coaching Packages below:
Love Your Shadow: BITESIZE
- What is it? One 90-min 1-on-1 shadow work coaching session via Zoom.
- Perfect for: ‘Quicker’-fixes, smaller problems, tighter budgets, tighter time constraints.
Love Your Shadow: Email Coaching
- What is it? Coaching via for as long as you want. Pay on a monthly basis and cancel at any time.
- Perfect for: Introverts, inconsistent schedules, tighter budgets, and those looking to get coaching without the time commitment.
Love Your Shadow: SILVER
- What is it? 4 weekly, one-hour, 1-on-1 coaching sessions via Zoom. Email support throughout. Resources, homework, journal prompts, affirmations and printables – whatever you need to succeed.
- Perfect for: Those who have a bit more of a budget and are ready to dive into shadow work but not quite ready or able to commit to a longer-term package.
Love Your Shadow: GOLD
- What is it? 12 weekly, one-hour, 1-on-1 coaching sessions via Zoom. Email support throughout. Resources, homework, journal prompts, affirmations and printables – whatever you need to succeed.
- Perfect for: Those who are fully ready to commit to shadow work and motivated to fully dive in.
Larisa took my Love Your Shadow: GOLD package: